Cultivate a quiet mind, healthy body, open heart and vibrant spirit.


Mindfulness meditation can create profound changes to your health and lifestyle. With practice, positive emotional, psychological, physical and spiritual effects can be felt allowing for improved wellbeing on many levels.
With so many experiencing the powerful, life changing effects of mindfulness on mental health, it’s no wonder more and more people are choosing to opt into this relaxing practice. It helps to eliminate issues such as anxiety, depression and sleeping disorders whilst improving the immune system.
Mindfulness is simply allowing yourself to just be. It’s about connecting with what you are sensing and feeling in the moment without judging your thoughts. This results in a sense of calm, peace and balance.
There are many different ways of accomplishing this and an accredited teacher will guide you, to find what meditations best suit you.


Benefits of Mindfulness Meditation:
Reduce stress
Reduce depression
Reduce anxiety
Reduce pain
Lower blood pressure
Lower cholesterol
Improve sleep
Improve immune system
Overcome fears
Emotional stability
Increase self acceptance
Greater mental clarity
Heightened creativity
Greater intuition
Mind empowered
Inner peace
Feel grounded and in balance

What my clients say

"The weekly sessions have helped me to be more relaxed and be mindful of living life in the present moment"

"As someone that experienced the 5 week course, I would like to reiterate the benefits of it. Not only is Alex a very experienced, caring and informative practitioner, she made us all feel completely at ease at every session, allowing us to be honest and open with our thoughts and feelings. We were given strategies and ideas to use at home, which really helped to de stress, relax and make me re-evaluate my life. So, highly recommended.”
“Thank you so much for seeing my son today. It was so up his street, he really thought it was brilliant.”
"Mindfulness for me has been a way of empowering my mind and body to rest and relax. Having sustained a life changing injury last year, I needed help to cope mentally. Thankfully, I met Alex and was introduced to being in the moment, a way of channelling ones thoughts into a gentle breathing pattern. This allows one to forget the troubles of yesterday and be more positive about our tomorrows. A truly empowering experience is Alex’s session in the Tipi, 3 hours of relaxation, rhythmical drumming, meditation and peace, allowing our minds to rest and our bodies to totally switch away from life’s struggles. Thank you Alex."
“I think it is great that we are in a position to have this in our workplace & would like to thank Alex for coming in & educating people about Mindfulness Meditation.”
“My son has just told me how much the mindfulness helped him today! Maybe they need it after the test as well as he said it was awful!”
“Alex was amazing, the most amazing calm voice I have ever heard. Could have been for longer!”
  “You are pretty enlightened if you realise you have to      
     keep your brain in shape.”  

Ruby Wax


Create a clear mind with clarity.

Contact Me


Clevedon, North Somerset. UK


UK 07702 093183

Email Address


Business Hours

Monday/Friday: 9am to 5pm
Saturday: 9am to 12am