Mindfulness Meditation Classes

Mindfulness in Nature Retreat Days

An amazing opportunity to practice mindfulness in nature, connecting with Mother Earth, allowing you to feel grounded and in balance. 

Mindfulness in the Workplace

Classes and workshops are tailored to suit your business needs.
Benefits include:
Stress reduction
Greater emotional intelligence
Heightened creativity
Improved focus and productivity
Increased empathy for others
Mind is empowered
Improved communication.

Mindfulness in Schools

Offering mindfulness to children gives them a life skill that will enhance their wellbeing as they journey though life’s ups and downs. Helping reduce stress and anxiety whilst improving their behaviour, resilience and emotional well-being. 

Mindfulness on Zoom

Enjoy time out to relax and rejuvenate, in the comfort of your own setting.
Meditations are offered for your enjoyment, allowing you to find inner peace using this beneficial life skill.
Classes: Tuesdays 8.00pm

Mindfulness Sessions 1 to 1

These sessions are tailored to suit your needs.
I offer information on how meditation works and its amazing positive effects on the mind and body, including scientific evidence.



Please contact me for further information, prices and dates for retreat days.